Friday, May 25, 2012

Eli's 1st Vacation!

Eli had his first road trip over Memorial Day weekend - a trip to the cabin in Saugatuck with the whole fam! He did a great job in the car - slept the entire way there and back!  Eli enjoyed some nice walks along the lake, spending mornings and evenings on the porch, a day of shopping in town with the girls and listening to the family band.  Most of all, he loved hanging out with everybody and getting lots of extra attention!
Smiling in his sleep on the way up to MI...dreaming about all the fun to come!

Oma fixed up a beautiful bed for Eli at the cabin - which he loved!!! :)

Enjoying a nice walk along the lake...actually, sleeping through the entire thing.

Hanging out on the porch:

The big boys getting ready for a day of golf, while Eli and the ladies did some shopping.

 Eli loved listening to the music!
The 3 dego boys
Swinging on the porch with Oma and Opa

Friday, May 18, 2012

Funny Uncle Pete

Eli sure does love him some Uncle Petey! Good thing he is home for the summer! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lots of Smiles

Our boy is officially a smiler! He is still somewhat stingy with his smiles and a bit camera shy, but Mom and Dad can pretty much always get a smile as long as he's got a full belly.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ms. G's photo shoot

We were very fortunate to have the photography teacher at Oak Lawn, Mrs. Wargin, come over and take some pics of Eli!

Friday, May 4, 2012

One month old!

I can't believe how fast time is is my baby one month old already!?!?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This morning, at exactly 4 weeks old, Elijah started smiling back at me when I was talking to him! Of course as soon as I pulled out the camera, he stopped! But later today when we were visiting with Oma Kuypers, she got a smile out of him too.  Still none on camera, but they will be coming soon! :)