Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sinterklaas 2012

The Buys family celebrated Christmas a bit early this year because Erika and Todd would be on their honeymoon for Christmas. We did another year of "surprises" and it all turned out great! 

Eli made this face every time he shook the wrapping paper
Eli loved his new bugs from Oma and Opa!
Opa's present from Todd...he had to give birth to a baby calf!
First Opa had to refresh his skills by watching an old home video...
Then, using his tools from Opa Buys...
...he did it!

Stevie's present from Opa...a cabin paradise! 
Also part of Stevie's present...still not really sure how this all fit in, but the boys enjoyed it! 

Oma and Opa Kuypers came over to join in the fun too! 

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