Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NYE 2014

We brought in the new year in a winter wonderland at the cabin.  We enjoyed a few lazy days watching the big snow flakes fall, enjoying each others company, and thinking of all to come in the upcoming year!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sinterklaas 2013

We all enjoyed celebrating Christmas with our Sinterklaas tradition at Oma and Opa's house. It was a great day!
Eli and his new train table...
...And big horsey from Oma and Opa!!!
Best Friend Cousins

Mr. Chocolate

Eli's lunch of choice is a chocolate sandwich. For some reason he takes pleasure in smearing the Nutella all over his face like war paint....

Tired Mommy!

Daddy is quick with the camera to catch Mommy snoozing with her little guy.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

After we got home from x-mas Eve at Big Oma and Opa's, Daddy went straight to work on Eli's gift...his new kitchen!

4 hours later, a finished product! 

Mommy and Daddy were served delicious plastic eggs from Eli Christmas morning! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve at Big Oma and Opa's

The new babies got to meet the entire Kuypers family in typical Kuypers' fashion - at Oma and Opa's! It was a busy, crazy, wonderful day!

Big Oma and Opa and all 7 GREAT grandchildren! 
Eli holding Adri
Eli and cousin Jude
4 generations!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Eli and Emerson

Mommy spent the day trying to take a Christmas card pic - not an easy task with 2 kiddos!