Monday, December 9, 2013

Adrianna has arrived!!!

Mommy and Auntie Erika were both more than ready for our babies to arrive - we were sick of being pregnant and couldn't wait to hold our new little ones. Auntie Erika beat Mommy to the finish line and a beautiful baby girl, Adrianna Marion arrived on December 9th. Mommy woke up around 5am to a picture of her new niece!
Mommy got to meet Adri at the hosptial on December 10th, just in time before she had to go to the hospital.
On December 11th we were both in the hospital - Erika was going home and we were just arriving!
Adrianna is here!
Mommy meeting Adri in the hospital

Eli meeting Adri at Auntie Erika's while Mommy and Daddy were in the hospital

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