Saturday, April 28, 2012

So alert...

Elijah is getting more and more alert. He listens so intently when we talk to him. It won't be long til he starts talking back!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Daddy and Eli home alone

Tonight was a big night - Mommy got to go out for dinner with her girlfriends while Daddy stayed home alone with Eli.  The boys did great together.  And Daddy kept Mommy updated with texts and this pic so she was sure everything was ok. :)

3 weeks!

For his 3 week birthday Eli received a very special present - a belly button! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So strong!

We are constantly amazed with how strong Elijah is. He holds his neck up all of the time.  Today he was turning  his head from side to side while on his stomach.  Of course after I put the camera away he did it again like 12 times in a row as if it were nothing.

Monday, April 23, 2012


We had a busy weekend with lots of people coming to visit with Eli! Here are a few pics:
Eli with Grandpa Long
Eli with Great Grandma Wynne

Eli & Nate

Faye and Eli 
Kristin, Faye and Eli

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Funny Faces

Eli cracks Mommy and Daddy up every day with all of the funny faces he makes!  Mommy caught a couple of good ones with the camera today after Eli ate. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Daddy's time at home

Fortunately, Daddy got to take almost 2 weeks off of work to spend time with Elijah and help out Mommy.  Eli and Mommy were very glad to have him home with us!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1 week old!

Elijah had his first doctor's appointment on his one week birthday. Mommy and Daddy took him to the doc, who had all good things to say about him.  Of course when he got weighed, he peed all over Mommy and the nurse. On the way home he had his first trip to Target! :)  Even though he had his usual sour face on, he seemed to enjoy the outing and was a very good boy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sleeping Baby

Eli has been doing an awesome job sleeping at night. He only wakes up once to eat, usually around 3am, and then goes back to sleep til about 7!  Once, he surprised us and slept til 5am!  We are keeping our fingers crossed he starts to do that more often!!! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Eli's 1st Photo Shoot

Aunt Erika and Oma came over for Eli's very first photo shoot.  Aunt Erika had lots of good poses for him - and he slept through most of it! Here are a few of our favorites.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Elijah's 1st Easter

At only 4 days old, Elijah celebrated his first holiday - Easter Sunday! Opa brought some woosterbroodjies over for breakfast and Eli got to meet some relatives in the Netherlands via Skype.
Eli got to meet his Great Oma Buys, Tante Ans, Tante Jose, and cousins Janneke and Ruud!

In the afternoon Eli made his first outing to his Great Oma and Opa Kuypers's house. Everyone couldn't wait to meet him!
Our little Easter duckling

He was the hit of the party! 
Eli with cousin Kristin and Great Aunt Annie

Eli and all his big girl cousins!

Elijah and his Great Oma
Elijah, Great Oma, and big cousin Anneka
Elijah and his Great Opa
Eli and Uncle Pete

Eli and his Great Uncle Ed
Eli and big cousin Nate

Eli and big cousin Claire

One of our 1st family photos

Tired after a busy day!