Friday, April 6, 2012

Heading Home!

We were supposed to be discharged at 11am on Friday, April 6th, but we ended up having to wait until about 8pm because the doctors were waiting on some test results.  All the tests came back fine and we were officially on our own - a very scary, exciting thought! We headed home with definite mixed emotions!!!

Grandma and Grandpa Long met us at home that night because Grandma Long couldn't wait to meet Eli (she came straight from the airport from her trip to CO).

In the car on the way home
The first night at home was definitely a rough one! Little Eli earned a lot of nicknames that night - Mr. Fussy Pants, Mr. Fuss Buckets, Crabby Patty, and El Diablo just to name a few.  Mommy and Daddy did not sleep a wink! Fortunately Opa arrived about 8am the next morning with a quiet knock on the door and breakfast in hand! Emily was never so happy to see him!!! Opa gave Eli his binkey and he was good as gold - and Mommy and Daddy got to go back to sleep! 

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