Sunday, April 8, 2012

Elijah's 1st Easter

At only 4 days old, Elijah celebrated his first holiday - Easter Sunday! Opa brought some woosterbroodjies over for breakfast and Eli got to meet some relatives in the Netherlands via Skype.
Eli got to meet his Great Oma Buys, Tante Ans, Tante Jose, and cousins Janneke and Ruud!

In the afternoon Eli made his first outing to his Great Oma and Opa Kuypers's house. Everyone couldn't wait to meet him!
Our little Easter duckling

He was the hit of the party! 
Eli with cousin Kristin and Great Aunt Annie

Eli and all his big girl cousins!

Elijah and his Great Oma
Elijah, Great Oma, and big cousin Anneka
Elijah and his Great Opa
Eli and Uncle Pete

Eli and his Great Uncle Ed
Eli and big cousin Nate

Eli and big cousin Claire

One of our 1st family photos

Tired after a busy day!

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