Monday, April 2, 2012

The Prep Work

We decided that too much exciting stuff is happening in this little dude's life to not keep a record of it all. Thus, a baby blog! Mostly started to force Mommy to take pics and document everything so we will never forget!

We will first backtrack a bit in time...

We found out we were expecting way back in August - August 5th to be exact.  After telling only a few people our good news, we decided to keep it a secret until the pregnancy was further along.


But once we saw our little peanut for the first time, we couldn't keep it a secret much longer.
9 week ultrasound

 Everyone was SO excited! :)  Overall the pregnancy flew by.  And fortunately, Mommy felt great majority of the time.  Besides the occasional heartburn, the only pregnancy symptoms I had were my cravings for mac and cheese and pancakes. But wait, that's not too different than before!

At the 20 week appointment we got to see our peanut again and we couldn't believe how clear the images were! Although it was very tempting, we chose to wait for the surprise and not find out the gender just yet.  
Doesn't that look like a smile already?!
We loved the little hand...

and feet!
20 weeks

Mommy and Daddy couldn't wait for our "surprise" to arrive!  While Mommy was counting down the days left to work, Daddy was busy decorating the room for our little one's arrival.

37 weeks

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